Friday, March 10, 2006

"In tumult" [boomerang poem]

The days when I may wander in the evening are returning
I have perhaps some while yet to tarry on the earth
they say there's wondrous order in the play of death & birth
some claim the world is fashioned as a school for lovely learning
but reason's insufficient to produce the rhyme of mirth
for reasons under reasons hide   like waves whose restive churning
describes a heart in tumult   such a heart dwells in my girth
the days when I may wander in the evening are returning



Truly lovely! Has a perfect pastoral sereneness.


david raphael israel said...

ah thanks honorable Sir.
With mild paradox, for me, this evening wandering is a distinctly urban phenomenon . . . but such is poetry (where perhaps the urban & the pastoral are two facets of one coin) ...